Medically Reviewed by Annamarie Coy, BA, ICPR, MATS
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Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) offers fellowship and support to people with alcohol use disorder. The group is international, apolitical, and non-professional.
AA meetings are available almost anywhere every day of the year, including online. There are no requirements for AA other than wanting to no longer consume alcohol.
Members also have access to literature and resources that encourage strength and clarity in pursuing recovery and sobriety.
AA quotes acknowledge the challenge of battling alcoholism.
Many of the quotes people use in AA aren’t attributed to anyone in particular. Alcoholics Anonymous, as the name suggests, is an anonymous group. Participants use only their first names in meetings.
Participants also don’t acknowledge attendance when away from meetings. This means that many of the most profound statements made by participants are anonymous. But this doesn’t make them any less powerful.
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Some of the most notable AA recovery quotes include:
Most people with alcohol use disorder discover when they’re drinking who they don’t want to be in life. Unfortunately, evolving into someone different is difficult.
People with alcohol use disorder struggle with both physical and psychological addiction. Even if they want to stop drinking, doing so feels impossible.
Alcoholics experience severe, potentially life-threatening withdrawal symptoms, including significant cravings. It creates a cycle of wanting to recover but struggling and acting in ways they’d rather not.
They’re familiar with their faults and are aware of what they don’t like about themselves. This doesn’t make it easy to change but gives them a blueprint for what they want to change.
Similar to the previous quote, this quote acknowledges how challenging it is to overcome alcoholism. But it also provides hope to those struggling with recovery because it reminds them that it’s worth the effort.
Committing to recovery is scary. This is especially true for people who have relied on alcohol for a long time.
Giving yourself grace helps you to understand that the strength within you can help you overcome anything.
This quote acknowledges that the substance of alcohol is only part of the problem for someone with AUD.
Anyone trying to recover from alcoholism who feels they’re battling themselves already understands this. It’s the negative emotions inside of them driving their desire to drink.
Physical alcohol dependence is part of AUD. However, fear, envy, resentment, and other negative emotions also play a significant role.
Managing these negative emotions is one of the most powerful things you can do to overcome AUD.
The Serenity Prayer is an important tool people with AUD use to help them with sobriety. It offers peace and guidance in any difficult, uncontrollable situation. It’s something alcoholics are encouraged to remind themselves of when times are tough.
This quote seems simple, but it’s also powerful. Battling alcohol use disorder is a daily endeavor. Getting through the day is your most important task when in recovery.
Alcoholics Anonymous encourages participants to focus on the current moment instead of obsessing about the past or worrying about the future.
Dealing with each moment alcohol-free helps you build a strong foundation for your future.
It’s important to remember you don’t need to commit to a life free of drinking alcohol. All you need is to get through the day without a drink.
Recovering from alcohol requires you to change your habits. If you don’t make the first move, you’ll stay the same.
This quote highlights how change starts with you. Seeking help for alcoholism can be difficult, but it’s the first step toward a better life.
Acronyms make challenging concepts easier to remember. It’s important to keep the things you’re learning in recovery simple. This allows you to bring them to mind quickly when you need a reminder about your desire to stay alcohol-free.
Acronyms also make communicating with other AA participants easier without revealing your struggle to everyone around you.
Some of the most common acronyms used within the AA community include:
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Alcoholics Anonymous utilizes various quotes to help participants with their sobriety journey. These quotes serve as a guide to make the process easier.
With these quotes and support from others, you can successfully manage your AUD and get through each day without a drink.
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