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Updated on March 29, 2022
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30 Day Rehabs

What is a 30-Day Rehab Program?

People participating in 30-day rehabs live in an inpatient facility for about one month. They receive medical attention, attend therapy sessions and support groups, and learn about addiction management.

The goal of 30-day addiction treatment is to place people with substance use disorders (SUD) in a supportive and therapeutic environment. They live with other people learning to manage their addictions and have around-the-clock access to medical care. 

The programs are ideal for people focused on and dedicated to recovery and sober living. 

The environment is free of the temptation to use drugs or alcohol. People enrolled in these programs have access to the resources needed to support sober living.

Thirty-day programs tend to be strict during the early stages. Residents might be restricted from having visitors during the initial days and weeks, but eventually gain more freedom.

Why 30 Days?

Thirty-day addiction treatment programs are considered moderate programs. They are one of the shortest duration programs available.

This type of rehab is ideal for people who:

  • Want to return to work as soon as possible
  • Need to fulfill family responsibilities
  • Have commitments that require them to return to their regular schedules quickly

These addiction treatment programs allow people with SUD time to focus on recovery without distractions and build a healthy foundation for sobriety.

However, 30-day rehabs are shorter than some other programs and don’t require as big of a commitment as more intensive programs.

Many find 30-day addiction treatment programs less intimidating than 60- or 90-day programs. 

People reluctant to seek help for addiction might be willing to commit to a shorter, month-long program because they won’t be away from their regular lives for too long.

Thirty days is long enough to detox and learn sober-living strategies. It’s not an  extended or long-term commitment that lasts several months.

In some cases, people choose to extend their stay in residential rehab. For other people, 30 days is enough to provide them with the strategies and education they need to live a sober life.


The benefits of 30-day addiction treatment programs include:

Rehab Experience

Anyone who is uneasy or nervous about rehab can get a feel for the experience without making a long commitment.

Full Detox

Thirty days is enough time to clear the body of most addictive substances. Detoxification from a substance decreases the risk of relapse.

Access to Various Treatments

Thirty-day rehab participants have around-the-clock access to medical care, as well as therapy and counseling.

Peer Support

Living with others who struggle with addiction allows participants to form lasting relationships with people for whom sobriety is a priority.


Substance use treatment programs provide general education on drug and alcohol addiction. Additionally, people learn about their specific addiction and how to cope with it.

Isolated and Focused

Programs temporarily remove people from their everyday lives. They are free of substance use temptation and stress and can focus entirely on sober living.


Cons of 30-day programs include:

  • They might not be long enough for people with severe addiction
  • Some programs aren’t comprehensive enough to address co-occurring conditions
  • They might be too expensive for some people
  • Thirty days away from regular life might be too much for people with certain personal and professional obligations

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What to Expect at a 30-Day Rehab Center

Substance use treatment programs vary from facility to facility. In some cases, the only thing that is the same is the length of the program.

However, in general, 30-day rehab participants can expect:

  • Medically supervised detox
  • Access to ongoing mental health support
  • Individual therapy sessions that teach behavioral and therapeutic techniques
  • Peer support groups and group counseling
  • Family therapy
  • Medication
  • Recreation

Behavioral treatments provided in most 30-day rehab programs include:

Substance use treatment programs vary, but a typical day during a 30-day rehab stay might include:

  • Breakfast
  • Group therapy
  • Lunch
  • Afternoon free time/recreation
  • Group, individual, and/or family therapy
  • Physical activities such as yoga or other exercises
  • Dinner
  • Peer support group or 12-step meeting
  • Evening free time/recreation
  • Bedtime

Programs can be gender-specific, age-specific, or addiction-specific. 

How Much Does a 30-Day Program Cost? 

The cost of 30-day substance use rehab programs varies.

Most residential inpatient programs in the United States accept state-funded and private health insurance. Some programs are even state-funded or accept Medicaid funding.

According to the Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act (MHPAEA), all health insurance plans must provide coverage for behavioral and mental health treatment equivalent to the coverage offered for physical health.

The average out-of-pocket cost for someone without health insurance coverage starts at about $6,000. The cost can reach up to $30,000 for someone seeking addiction treatment. 


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Is a 30-Day Program Right for You? 

Determining whether a program at a 30-day rehab facility is right for you can be difficult. 

If you’re curious if this type of program might help you, consider the following:

Health Problems

Do you still use drugs or alcohol despite the development of or worsening of mental and/or physical health problems?

Relationship Problems

Do you continue using drugs or alcohol despite it causing the development of or worsening of problems with friends and family?

Neglecting Responsibilities and Hobbies

Have you stopped doing things you once enjoyed and/or are you neglecting responsibilities to use alcohol or drugs?

Use in Dangerous Situations

Have you used substances in situations that could be physically dangerous?

Out of Control Use

Do you have difficulty controlling how much or for how long you use alcohol or drugs? Do you need more of a substance to achieve the same result due to developing tolerance?


Do you experience cravings first thing in the morning or any time you’re not using?

Unsuccessful Attempts to Quit

Have you tried quitting without success? Do you experience withdrawal symptoms when you try to stop?

The only way to know for sure if you’ve developed an addiction to a substance is to speak to an addiction specialist. 

A stay at a 30-day rehab facility can help you learn about addiction and develop coping skills for your addiction.


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7 Tips for Finding a 30-Day Rehab Program 

There are several ways to find the right 30-day rehab program. For example:

1. Research Online

One of the best places to learn about rehab facilities in your area is by conducting an online search. 

2. Reach Out to Loved Ones

Chances are your loved ones already know you’re struggling with addiction. If you aren’t sure how to get help, reach out to them and ask for assistance.

3. Speak to Your Doctor

Your doctor can evaluate your situation and refer you to a specific facility right for you.

4. Attend a 12-step Meeting in Your Area or Online 

Many 12-step meetings are open to the public. Attending one is a great way to learn about your options and meet people who were once in your situation.

5. Call a Rehab Center Directly

Once you find a rehab facility in your area, you can contact them and ask for additional information about their alcohol addiction program.

6. Contact the Mental Health Services Administration

This and similar organizations can refer you to substance use treatment in your area. 

7. What to Look for in a 30-Day Rehab Program

Look for programs where the following are a priority: 

  • Therapy and treatment methods provided by appropriately trained professionals
  • Proper licensing and accreditation that ensures the facility has undergone rigorous evaluation by a respected third-party organization
  • Financing options that make out-of-pocket expenses affordable
  • Ability to tailor treatment methods to your specific needs
  • Access to individual and group therapy
  • Access to onsite medical care
  • Life skills support and training
  • Availability of family therapy
  • Ongoing outpatient treatment and support
  • Relapse prevention and support

Alternative Rehab Options 

There are no quick fixes when it comes to substance addiction. A 30-day treatment program is a short-term treatment that provides a solid foundation for recovery.

However, it’s not your only option for treating drug or alcohol addiction.

Alternatives to 30-day treatment facilities include:

Short-Term Rehab

Thirty-day programs are considered short-term. However, there are shorter programs that focus mostly on detox.

Some people enter programs for a few days or a week to undergo medically monitored detox. They might also get information about outpatient resources to help them with recovery.

60-Day Rehab

Sixty-day treatment facilities offer longer and more intense drug or alcohol use treatment than their 30-day counterparts.

Treatment in 60-day programs include:

90-Day Rehab 

Ninety-day or three-month programs treat moderate to severe addictions. They offer intensive care. 

Patients gain access to a broad spectrum of behavioral and medical therapies to treat addictions of all kinds.

6 Month+ Rehab

Long-term rehab programs that last at least six months or more provide the most comprehensive recovery support.

In these programs, participants have time to understand the meaning behind their addiction. They learn new ways of living that support sobriety and have the tools needed to prevent and deal with relapse.


  • Thirty-day recovery programs offer inpatient treatment for people with substance addiction
  • They are ideal for people with moderate addiction issues and provide a good foundation for recovery
  • There are benefits and drawbacks to 30-day programs
  • Researching 30-day programs ensures you choose the one that is right for you
  • Alternatives to 30-day programs offer longer-term support for people with severe addiction issues
Updated on March 29, 2022
6 sources cited
Updated on March 29, 2022
All Alcoholrehabhelp content is medically reviewed or fact checked to ensure as much factual accuracy as possible.

We have strict sourcing guidelines and only link to reputable media sites, academic research institutions and, whenever possible, medically peer reviewed studies.
  1. National Institute on Drug Abuse. “Addiction Treatment.” National Institute on Drug Abuse, 3 May 2021.

  2. National Institute on Drug Abuse. “Treatment and Recovery.”, 2018. 

  3. SAMHSA. “MAT Medications, Counseling, and Related Conditions.”, 19 Aug. 2020.

  4. CMS. “The Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act (MHPAEA) | CMS.”, 2010. 

  5. APA PsycNet.” American Psychiatric Association, DSM-5 Task Force. Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders: DSM-5™ (5th ed.). American Psychiatric Publishing, Inc. 2013. 

  6. Understanding Alcohol Use Disorder | National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA).”, Dec. 2020.

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All content created by Alcohol Rehab Help is sourced from current scientific research and fact-checked by an addiction counseling expert. However, the information provided by Alcohol Rehab Help is not a substitute for professional treatment advice.
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